Making Your Parking ADA Compliant

Making Your Parking ADA Compliant

Making Your Parking ADA Compliant

Since the passage of the American with Disability Acts, your parking lot and entrance must be accessible. Many businesses fail to meet this obligation. Before you start your next commercial paving in Orlando project is a great time to make sure that you comply. You can face hefty fines for being out of compliance, and you may be losing part of your customer base.  

Required Spaces

You are required to provide accessible parking in each of your parking areas. Consider each area separately. You may not count the total and comply with the law if you have different parking lots, like for the public, employees, and executives. For each 25 parking spaces or fraction thereof, you must provide an accessible parking space. At any type of health care facility, you must designate 10 % of the parking spaces for users with handicaps. Those facilities, however, set up to treat users with mobility issues must identify 20 % of the spaces. One in six must be a handicap van parking space.  


At least 50 % of all your public entrances must be handicapped accessible. You must locate the designated parking spaces at the shortest point in the parking to an accessible entrance. If you have more than one entry, then your designated parking spaces must be separated. While you can provide accessible parking in another lot for user convenience, they count only towards the total in the lot where they are located.  


Designated spots must be at least 96 inches wide. They must have a marked access aisle that is at least 60 inches wide on both sides, and the corridor must be at least as long as the parking space. Two vehicles can share the same access aisle as long as they are both designated spaces. Parking spaces for vans must have an additional 3 feet of space available on either side. If your parking spaces are angled, then each van-accessible parking space must have at least one accessible aisle on the passenger side of the vehicle.  


You must place signs at all accessible parking spaces. The bottom of the sign must be 60 inches from the ground. Signs must include the international symbol of accessibility. Van-accessible spaces may read “van accessible.” If your business has four or fewer parking spaces, you do not have to install a sign. You are required to meet all the other requirements.  

Keeping up with all the requirements of parking lots specified under the American with Disabilities Act can be frustrating. You may also need to meet other state and local laws concerning handicapped parking. That is why you should work with a qualified paving in Orlando company. Call Florida Sealcoating as they want to be your paving in Orlando experts. They can also help you mark your sights and install the proper signs.