Three Common Questions about Pothole Repair

Three Common Questions about Pothole Repair

Three Common Questions about Pothole Repair

When you are out driving on the road, you may notice the wear and tear on the roads.  This can come in the form of cracks, rock buildup, or unpaved roads.  However, the worst road conditions are caused by potholes in the road.  This causes you to have to swerve to avoid the pothole, or even worse, to drive right into it.  This can cause damage to your tires and bumper.  Despite the fact that many drivers hate potholes, they continue to inhibit our driving and cause frustration.  As a company that specializes in asphalt repairs in Orlando, we are here to answer some of the most common questions about potholes and pothole repair.

How do you patch potholes?

Pothole repair mix comes in a variety of mixtures depending on the size and shape of the actual pothole.  The mixture used to repair the pothole makes a large difference in the aesthetic, quality, and durability of the repair.  At Florida Seal Coating, we offer the highest quality asphalt mixes to repair potholes and perform other asphalt repairs.  This helps to ensure that the correct mix is used each time.  Our experts can inspect the potholes and determine exactly what type of mixture is needed to fill the pothole properly so that it lasts a long time.

How do you fix potholes in the road?

Because potholes in the road are the most frustrating to the community, fixing them is essential to keeping safe driving conditions.  First, the pothole is cleaned of any dirt or debris.  Without proper cleaning, the asphalt mix used to fix the pothole will be weakened.  After the pothole is cleaned, it is then heated.  This helps the new asphalt to stick to the existing pavement.  As we add the new asphalt mixture, we make sure to keep it hot and compacted.  This is essential for making sure that it reduces water entry and is resistance to the weight of traffic.  Once the pothole is filled, the new asphalt needs to properly cool.  This typically doesn't take a very long time.

Who fixes potholes?

When your community suffers from an abundance of potholes, you will want to research quality asphalt repairs in Orlando.  You want to be sure to hire companies that have a great reputation with previously satisfied customers.  Trust our quality asphalt repair company, Florida Seal Coating, to fill any concerning potholes in your area.  We offer quick and reliable services to properly tend to your asphalt needs.

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about potholes and asphalt repairs in Orlando.  Unfortunately, the two main causes of potholes, weather and traffic, are not going anywhere, which means that potholes will continue to appear on the roadways.  In order to stay safe, be aware of the road conditions and avoid potholes safely when you can.  If you are looking for experts in asphalt repairs in Orlando, contact us today to hear about our range of paving and asphalt services.