What You Should Know about Line Striping Your Parking Lot

What You Should Know about Line Striping Your Parking Lot

What You Should Know about Line Striping Your Parking Lot

The first impression of your business is likely your parking lot. When customers first drive into your parking lot, they will notice any eyesores or glaring issues, and they may make assumptions that you do not keep your business clean. However, if you keep up with the maintenance, painting, cleaning, and asphalt repairs in Orlando, you can make a great first impression and keep customers coming back for more. Line striping is essential to a functional, clean, and safe parking lot. When you are ready to paint new lines in your parking lot, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

Create Maps or Graphics to Assist Contractors

When you want to change the traffic flow or improve the efficiency of your parking lot, you may want to change the lines in your parking lot. If you do not plan to paint over the existing stripes, or if the existing stripes are no longer clearly visible, you need to provide the contractors with a clear map or graphic displaying the new plan. Outline the new striping pattern and discuss these changes with your contractor so they can create your vision.

Clean and Dry Your Parking Lot

To prepare the surface for painting, you need to clean and dry the asphalt with some basic maintenance tasks. The surface needs to be free of any dirt or water that can prevent the paint from properly adhering to the surface, which can cause it to deteriorate much quicker. To prepare your surface, you should sweep the surface clean and consider pressure washing the entire surface to clear any dirt or debris buildup.

Consider the Weather

In most cases, your lines will be completely dry within a few hours. However, sunlight and temperatures can affect this timeline. You want to stay updated on the weather so that you can keep employees and customers informed of when it is safe to open your parking lot after line striping is complete and dry. Accounting for the weather will avoid any issues in judgment and prepare you for the job.

Inform Customers and Employees

Before the contractors perform the line striping services, you want to inform anyone that this may affect. Keep your customers informed to let them know you are still open for business despite the fact that your parking lot is undergoing maintenance. Alert your employees to find alternative parking until the striping services are complete and paint is dry.

If you are ready for quality line striping, sealcoating, or asphalt repairs in Orlando, you want to trust the experts at Florida Sealcoating. Our paving contractors are experienced, licensed, and insured to tackle any of your paving needs and keep your business looking attractive and safe for customers.

Contact us for a free quote for your parking lot services today!