Your Comprehensive Guide to Sealcoating a Parking Lot

Your Comprehensive Guide to Sealcoating a Parking Lot

Your Comprehensive Guide to Sealcoating a Parking Lot

The parking lot is one of the most important elements of your business facility or residential buildings. It serves as an entry point for customers and guests, and it’s the first thing they see when they arrive. Taking care of your parking lot is essential if you want to maintain a professional appearance, ensure the safety of your visitors, and prolong the life of the parking lot. One of the most effective ways to maintain your parking lot is by sealcoating. Here’s your comprehensive guide to sealcoating a parking lot: tips and tricks.


1. What Is Sealcoating?

Sealcoating is the process of applying a protective layer to your hard parking lot surfaces. The sealcoat material is a mixture of liquid emulsion and additives that protect your asphalt surfaces from the elements of weather, petroleum spills, and other contaminants. When sealcoating a parking lot, it is usually applied to all the entire surface or in some cases just the high traffic areas.

2. When Should You Apply Sealcoating?

The best time to apply sealcoating is in a warm, dry weather condition, as it will help the sealcoat to bond better with the asphalt. It is recommended to sealcoat your parking lot at least once every two to three years, depending on the level of traffic, climate conditions, and age of the parking lot. Keeping up with this maintenance will save you money in the long run as the cost of sealcoating is way cheaper than repairing your asphalt surfaces.

3. Benefits of Sealcoating

Sealcoating your parking lot offers numerous benefits, and they include;

  • Durability and Longevity
    Sealcoating protects your surfaces from Ultraviolet (UV) rays, which break down asphalt over time. You can prolong the life of your parking lot by sealcoating frequently.
  • Appearance
    Sealcoating restores the color of your asphalt surfaces, and it gives a fresh, new appearance to your parking lot.
  • Protection
    Your asphalt surfaces are not immune to oil or gas spills, and sealcoating prevents spills from wearing down your parking lot. The sealcoat also prevents water from seeping through cracks and pooling, which results in potholes.

4. Hiring a Professional Sealcoating Company

Sealcoating may seem like a simple task that you can DIY, but it requires precise measurements and calculations to get it right. You can avoid a lot of headaches and save time when you hire a sealcoating company. Professional sealcoating companies have equipment and experience to do the job correctly, and they guarantee their work.

5. DIY Sealcoating Tips

If you choose to handle sealcoating without experts, the following tips might come in handy.

  • Preparation
    Make sure to clean your surface before you begin the sealcoating process. Sweep and remove any debris, dirt, or loose asphalt, and repair any cracks.
  • Choose the Right Sealcoating Material
    There are different types of sealcoating materials in the market, so research and choose the one that suits your surface type best.
  • Follow Instructions
    Before applying any sealcoat, make sure you read and understand the manufacturer's instructions.


Your parking lot is an essential part of your property, and sealcoating is a great way to maintain it. Hopefully, this guide will help you understand the importance of sealcoating, and how it can protect your asphalt surfaces. Remember, a well-maintained parking lot is inviting, safer, and eco-friendly. Don't hesitate to reach out to professional sealcoating companies like Florida Sealcoating for a free estimate.