The Definitive Guide to Asphalt Maintenance for Savvy Property Managers

The Definitive Guide to Asphalt Maintenance for Savvy Property Managers

The Definitive Guide to Asphalt Maintenance for Savvy Property Managers


Tending to the grounds under your care—the pavement that tirelessly supports the footfall of tenants, customers, and visitors—demands a proactive stance on maintenance. In the bustling locale of Orlando, Florida, the subtropical climate can be both a blessing and a curse for asphalt surfaces. As a property manager, safeguarding your asphalt's integrity is a non-negotiable aspect of maintaining an impressive and safe property. This isn't just about aesthetics; it's about ensuring the resilience and longevity of one of your site's most critical components.

Common issues like fading, cracking, and potholes, if not addressed in a timely manner, can lead to costly repairs. The strategic prescription for your asphalt preventive healthcare plan is a mix of timely inspections, routine care, and professional interventions. This blog post is your one-stop manual to understanding and executing the nuanced craft of asphalt maintenance, grounded in the unique needs of Orlando's climate and the local challenges it presents.


Understanding the Asphalt Life Cycle

Before delving into the intricacies of maintenance, it's crucial to understand the life cycle of asphalt. Any asphalt surface goes through a life cycle that includes:

  1. Freshly Laid Phase: The asphalt pavement is at its most sturdy and weather-resistant.
  2. Oxidation and Aging Phase: Asphalt surfaces are exposed to oxygen and UV rays, leading to oxygenation that weakens the asphalt.
  3. Movement and Use Phase: Constant traffic leads to wear and tear, affecting the pavement's integrity.
  4. Maintenance and Repairs Phase: Here's where you, the property manager, step in with preventive measures to ensure the pavement stands the test of time.

Assessing the Health of Your Asphalt

Regular inspections are the pulse-check of your asphalt's health. Consider these key signs:

  • Cracking: Surface cracks can lead to deeper fissures, which, if unaddressed, create larger structural issues.
  • Pooling Water: Standing water on an asphalt surface can signify underlying issues with drainage and lead to accelerated deterioration.
  • Fading Color: UV rays and oxidation can dull the asphalt's color, acting as an early warning sign for more significant damage.
  • Uneven Surfaces: These can be an eyesore and a tripping hazard, and they can indicate shifting or settling of the substrate.

A thorough evaluation should also consider the traffic load, shadow patterns, the pattern of surface distress, as well as age and past maintenance records.

The Art of Routine Asphalt Care

The strategy of 'little and often' is the cornerstone of routine asphalt care:

Regular Cleaning

Regular sweeping and pressure washing can prevent the accumulation of debris—particularly organic materials like leaves and soils—that can exacerbate damage.


Sealcoating is a protective coat applied to the asphalt surface to shield it from the elements. It's like sunscreen for your pavement. In Orlando's intense sun, UV-resistant sealants can mitigate the effects of solar exposure, ensuring color retention and preventing oxidation.

Crack Sealing

Early intervention is key. Cracks, when small, are not just cosmetic but also portals for water and other corrosive agents. A professional-grade crack sealant can be used to fill and seal small pavement cracks.

Striping and Marking

Clear and visible striping and marking are not just for aesthetics but also for safety. They delineate parking spaces, crosswalks, and traffic lanes, ensuring a smooth traffic flow.

When to Call in the Professionals

There are certain maintenance tasks best left to the experts:

Pothole Repair

Potholes are more than mere nuisances; they are signs of significant asphalt wear. A professional can assess the cause, repair the pothole, and prevent future recurrence.


This involves the removal of the top layer of pavement and the application of a new layer. It's a significant step that can add years to the life of your asphalt.

Asphalt Rejuvenation

This process involves the application of rejuvenator that penetrates the surface, restoring flexibility and life to the pavement.

Devising Your Asphalt Maintenance Plan

An effective plan is both comprehensive and flexible to adapt to the changing needs of your asphalt:

  • Schedule sealcoating every few years or as recommended by the professional.
  • Crack sealing should be conducted as part of your regular checks.
  • Regular resurfacing as part of a long-term investment in the health of your pavement.

The Benefits of Invested Asphalt Maintenance

Investing in regular and professional asphalt maintenance yields several benefits:

  • Cost Savings: Proactive maintenance often means averting larger, more expensive repairs down the line.
  • Safety: A well-maintained asphalt surface reduces the risk of accidents due to tripping or skidding.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: An asphalt surface that looks well-cared for is a reflection of your property's management.
  • Durability: Regular upkeep extends the functional and aesthetic life of the surface, preserving your initial investment.

Sustainability in Asphalt Maintenance

Asphalt maintenance isn't just about slathering on sealants and filling cracks. It's about finding sustainable solutions that offer longevity to your surface and reduce environmental impact. This includes using eco-friendly sealants, repurposing used asphalt, and ensuring proper disposal of materials.

Staying Informed and Updated

Asphalt is a living, breathing material—albeit in the inanimate sense. Staying informed about new technologies and methods is crucial. Attending seminars, networking with fellow property managers, and keeping up with industry publications can provide you with the knowledge to continually improve your maintenance practices.

Taking Control of Your Property's Asphalt

Education is empowerment when it comes to the care of your property's asphalt surfaces. By understanding the unique environmental challenges your surface faces in Orlando and implementing a well-honed maintenance program, you're not just preventing problems; you're guiding your property towards a future of safe and impressive appeal.

As you plan your next steps in the maintenance of your asphalt, think long-term, and consider how small investments today can lead to substantial savings and enhanced property values tomorrow. And remember, when in doubt, consult with a local professional who understands the specific needs of your Orlando property.

Don't delay—check your pavements today and take the first step towards ensuring they stand strong for years to come.

For top-tier sealcoating in Orlando, Florida, contact Florida Sealcoating. Their team of experienced professionals is ready to provide tailored solutions for your residential or commercial property. Whether you're in need of routine maintenance or an emergency repair, Florida Sealcoating offers free estimates and a satisfaction guarantee. Invest in your asphalt's future with Florida Sealcoating today.